It's springtime, and with warmer weather and longer days, it's natural to feel renewed energy and motivation. As the snow melts away and the world awakens from its winter slumber, we embrace excitement and inspiration that leads to motivation.

Spring is a time of growth and new beginnings, making it the perfect season to set goals, make positive changes, and soak up all that fresh energy. Energy is a force that drives us forward, gives us strength, and propels us toward our goals. Spring is when nature is bursting with energy - from the sprouting of new plants to the birth of baby animals. It's a season of rebirth, renewal, and growth.

Spring cleaning is one of the most popular activities during Spring. This tradition is more than just a chore; it's a symbolic way of letting go of the old and making way for the new. We create space for new energy and opportunities by decluttering and cleaning our homes. It's a way of welcoming the fresh energy of Spring and making room for positive changes in our lives.

Yet, Spring cleaning isn’t the only activity that can rejuvenate us. Here are some ideas on how to absorb and use the renewed energy felt during Spring:

Spend time outdoors

With the warmer weather and longer days, spending more time outdoors can help you feel more energized and connected to nature. Being in nature has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood, and increase energy levels. Here are some ideas for how to spend time outdoors.

  1. Take a walk: Walking in a park, nature reserve, or simply around your neighborhood can be a great way to enjoy the Spring weather and get some physical exercise. You can make it more fun by listening to music, podcasts, or audiobooks while you walk.

  2. Go for a hike: If you're up for a bigger challenge, hiking in the mountains or a nearby trail can be a great way to connect with nature and get fresh air. Make sure to wear appropriate clothing and bring water and snacks. Bringing a friend will also make it more enjoyable and safe.

  3. Have a meal in nature: If you prefer a more relaxed activity, having an outdoor meal in a park or by the beach can be a great way to enjoy the Spring weather and spend time with friends or family. Pack a meal, a blanket, and maybe some games or activities to enjoy together.

  4. Try outdoor sports: Spring is a great time to try outdoor sports like biking, running, or even water sports like kayaking or paddleboarding. Find a local group or rental shop and give it a try!

  5. Take up gardening: If you enjoy working with your hands and being in nature, gardening can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors and create something beautiful. You can start small with a few potted plants or try your hand at a bigger project like a vegetable garden. You can even see if your neighborhood has a community garden you can volunteer at.

Set new goals

Spring is a time of new beginnings, making it the perfect time to set new goals for the year. Whether personal, professional, or health-related, take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve and set realistic and achievable goals. Writing down your goals can help you stay motivated and accountable, and tracking your progress can help you celebrate your successes.

Connect with others

Spring is a great time to connect and build new relationships. Join a new group or club, attend a social event, or contact someone you want to connect with. Building a support system and fostering positive relationships can make you feel more energized and motivated.

Learn something new

Spring is a great time to learn something new. Take a class, read a book, or watch a documentary on a topic that interests you. By expanding your knowledge and learning something new, you can feel more empowered and motivated to make positive changes in your life.

Practice self-care

Lastly, don't forget to practice self-care. Take time each day to do something that makes you feel good, whether taking a bath, meditating, reading a good book, putting together a puzzle, or simply enjoying a cup of tea. By taking care of yourself and prioritizing your needs, you can feel more energized and ready to take on whatever challenges come your way.

Spring is a season of growth, renewal, and new beginnings. By absorbing and using the renewed energy felt during Spring, you can make positive changes and achieve your goals. Whether setting new goals, spending time outdoors, connecting with others, learning something new, or practicing self-care, there are many ways to welcome the fresh energy of Spring and use it to your advantage. So, get out there and enjoy all this season offers!

Are you excited about Spring? Will you be doing spring cleaning or going outdoors more? Let us know in the comment section below!

Ariel Landrum, LMFT, ATR

Ariel is the Director of Guidance Teletherapy. She runs the day-to-day operations, and is one of our treating clinicians. She writes about mindfulness, coping skills, and navigating the private practice world.


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