Level Up Your Therapeutic Interventions With The Side Quest

Geek therapy is a therapeutic approach that uses the languages of pop culture, video games, comic books, and other geeky interests as a way to connect with clients. It transforms what people love into tools for understanding, growth, and healing. This approach is not about pathologizing geeky interests but leveraging them to create relatable and effective therapeutic interventions.

Today, we'll be exploring an exciting concept from the world of gaming: the "side quest."

In gaming, a side quest is an optional mission or task a player can choose to complete, separate from the main story or objective. Side quests can offer additional rewards, story insights, and character development opportunities. They add depth and richness to the gaming experience and can often be the source of unexpected fun and adventure.

So, how does this apply to therapy? Well, let's consider those real-life tasks that many clients find challenging or even daunting - like calling the insurance company, cleaning their room, or completing a job application. These tasks can feel like huge mountains to climb, and the stress surrounding them can lead to procrastination or avoidance. But what if we reframe these tasks as "side quests" in the grand adventure of life?

Here are 5 fun intervention ideas using the concept of the side quest:

  1. Quest Log: Create a "Quest Log" with your clients. This can be a simple list or a decorated journal where they write down the tasks they must complete. Each task becomes a side quest with its title, objective, and potential rewards. This can help make mundane tasks feel more exciting and manageable.

  2. Avatar Creation: Encourage your clients to create an avatar representing them. This avatar can gain strength, skills, or abilities as they complete their side quests. The physical representation of growth can help motivate clients and make the process fun.

  3. Storytelling: Encourage clients to tell the story of their side quest. What villainous forces (obstacles) did they have to overcome? What magical items (resources) did they use? What allies (support network) helped them along the way?

  4. Gamification Apps: Use apps that gamify task completion, like Habitica, which allows clients to create an avatar, complete tasks for rewards, and level up.

  5. Quest Party: For group therapy settings, you could host a "Quest Party" where everyone shares their completed side quests and the challenges they overcame. This can be a great way to foster community and celebrate accomplishments together.

While not a specific intervention, reward systems can be crucial in this side quest approach. Rewards can motivate clients to complete their quests and can be customized to suit each person's interests and needs. They can take the form of self-care activities, special treats, or even "experience points" that can be used to "level up" in certain life areas. Working with your client is essential to create a reward system that feels meaningful and motivating to them.

Remember, the side quest approach aims to make challenging tasks feel less daunting and more engaging. It's about turning life's chores into exciting adventures and using our geeky interests to inspire progress. So, next time your client dreads that phone call to the insurance company, why not suggest they take it on as a "Quest for Clarity" or a "Battle Against Bureaucracy"?

Let's continue to leverage the power of geek therapy and make every side quest an opportunity for growth, achievement, and fun. After all, in the great game of life, every task completed, and every challenge overcome, is a step towards leveling up.

Ariel Landrum, LMFT, ATR

Ariel is the Director of Guidance Teletherapy. She runs the day-to-day operations, and is one of our treating clinicians. She writes about mindfulness, coping skills, and navigating the private practice world.


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